5 Steps To Open To Abundance & Thrive
How to reconnect to the natural flow and start receiving
Are you feeling some kind of lack in your life – as if there’s not enough?
Money, health, love, time, joy, friendship, freedom… you name it.
It’s common to somehow feel restricted in one of these areas until we consciously start to shift it.
For me in the last weeks as we were transitioning into our 'new normal' after months in lockdown my life has been feeling kind of flat...
All my plans for this summer got cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions and I was missing all the travel, events and festivals to look forward to.
There wasn’t much to get really excited about and my life started feeling stuck in the same routine. Can you relate? Many friends I was speaking to were having a similar experience. This time of transition is bringing its own challenges.
I felt I needed to take action to shift this.
So I was wondering...
How can I bring more fun into my life right now?
How can I feel more abundant again… instead of this sense of lack or scarcity?
So I came up with the idea to book myself a spontaneous road trip for a few days!
And I felt inspired to take you on a 5-day journey to explore how we can OPEN TO ABUNDANCE whenever we feel stuck.
I created a video for each day to guide you through 5 steps to open up to the amazing flow of abundance. Each video contains a powerful meditation to help you integrate each step and expand into more abundance.
Step 1:
What is true Abundance for you?
And what is blocking you?
Abundance is a state of having not only enough - but more than enough.
An overflow that arises from being connected to the infinite Source of everything.
On a spiritual level there is no lack. There is infinite potential available to us - if we are open to receive it.
We are meant to live in abundance. We are meant to thrive.
This is necessary from a spiritual perspective so we can live our full potential.
Just like health is our natural state, not sickness, so abundance is our natural state, not lack. But often we hold some form of limiting beliefs that block us from actually receiving what is already there for us.
Watch the first video to get started on this journey:
What is being abundant for you?
Is it having enough money, time, love, friendship, health, freedom, travel…?
Notice if you feel blocked or contracted in any of these areas.
What are your thoughts around this?
Bringing awareness to any thoughts or beliefs you hold around this is the first step to shifting your current situation.
Step 2:
Do you feel worthy to receive?
One of the root causes why we disconnect from the natural flow of abundance is that we feel on some level that we are not worthy.
Watch this video to understand what might be really blocking you:
Take some time to reflect if you have a story that in some way you don’t deserve to receive all this abundance – because you’re not smart enough / pretty enough / young enough / old enough / funny enough… in some way not good enough.
Pay attention and notice your thoughts.
Start telling yourself the Truth. You are enough.
This is quite a deep process. If you feel you need some support to shift out of this old belief please reach out for a free 30min Coaching intro session with me. I can guide you through this very powerful work – to truly shift your reality into self-worth and abundance.
Step 3:
Start manifesting your desires
Once we have cleared our old blocks to abundance we are opening ourselves up to all the goodness life has to offer.
Watch this video to set your intentions and reconnect to your desires!
What do you desire? Start connecting to your desires.
Give yourself permission to explore what you truly want in your life. Don’t hold back.
Keep daydreaming and visualising
The best time to set your intentions is with the New Moon. Join one of my events or dive deeper with my online course and learn to Manifest with the Moon!
Step 4:
Feel more abundant right now
One of the most powerful ways to raise your vibration and connect to abundance is through gratitude. By focussing on all the richness and abundance you already have in your life right now you start to attract more of it!
Watch this video to learn about the power of gratitude:
If you haven’t yet download my beautiful gratitude meditation Tap Into The Power Of Gratitude.
Listen to it whenever you need… You will feel the shift immediately.
Step 5:
Opening up to receive
Once we have released any resistance we are open to becoming a channel for all abundance to flow through us, in a continuous cycle of giving and receiving.
Don’t hold on to anything.
Trust the flow.
Watch this video to learn how to open up and allow yourself to receive:
After going through these 5 steps you will start to feel open and in flow.
Ready to receive all the abundance that is already there for you!
Has anything come up for you in this process and you would like support to shift your old beliefs that are holding you back?
Please reach out for a free 30min Coaching intro session with me. I can guide you through this powerful work and support you to truly shift your reality into full abundance!
Much love,
Feel more abundant right now with this powerful gratitude meditation!