How To Avoid Burn-out As Entrepreneur
Ways to avoid burn-out
(before it’s too late)
This has been a real journey for me… And I know I’m not alone.
Not only for employees but also for entrepreneurs burn-out rates are way too high. We live in a culture that promotes pushing ourselves to the edge to be seen as successful.
Back in the days when I started my business I was making my life so much harder than it needed to be. I had started teaching my first yoga classes in London next to my full-time job, and then also launched my ethical fashion brand Moon Tribe on the side.
I was trying to do it all... and there just weren't enough hours in the day.
In that time I was in hustling mode – completely overwhelmed by my endless to-do list and years later as the business was growing I got myself pretty close to a burn-out.
I was operating way too much in my masculine energy, that I was used to from working in the corporate world.
I know what it feels like to wake up completely overwhelmed by all the to-dos of managing a business.
To try to squeeze every minute of the day… and still feel like it’s not enough.
I didn’t have the right support or guidance to create STRUCTURES that would not only support my business – but even more importantly:
I had started my own business to create freedom for myself!
But I ended up applying the same old ways of working that I wanted to leave behind...
Until I finally learned that there IS a different way.... that feels so much better and makes life so much easier.
It's about connecting more with the feminine energy to create with effortless flow. That's when wonderful opportunities manifest easily, and it doesn't even feel like work...
That’s why I nowadays believe in growing our business with FLOW.
The old ways of hustling and pushing simply aren’t sustainable.
And in the end you lose the joy for why you created your business in the first place...
Especially as heart-led entrepreneurs who work with people and hold space for transformation I believe that this is essential.
You can't give from an empty cup.
That’s why I support my clients to integrate the healthy masculine into their business:
In the form of STRUCTURES that support the FLOW.
Making sure we create the space to have fun and take care of ourselves – so that instead of burning ourselves out we can experience a state of OVERFLOW...
Watch this video where I go deeper:
If you recognise this struggle and are feeling exhausted instead of nourished by your business find out more how Spiritual Business Coaching can help you to create new ways of working.
Get in touch to see how I could support you.
Much love,
Raise your energy & come back into the flow with this powerful meditation… whenever you need.